Handling Life’s Extra Stresses
It's easy to get overwhelmed with everything that's going on in the world, as well as having the stresses of everyday life to cope with. But what can we DO to alleviate anxiety when we feel it's all too much? On Monday and Wednesday nights I host four study...
It’s that time of year… subject choices are due! This can be a demanding and daunting task with conflicting opinions and advice. Becky Blake takes you through the process of how to choose and what to consider when making subject choices.
Beating the Trolls at their Own Game
Becky experienced three separate types of Cyberbullying within a week on three different levels. So why do bullies do this? And what can we do to stop them?
Managing procrastination
There are a thousand things we’d rather do rather than homework or study. So we do them. Facebook, Youtube, Snapchat, tidy our sock drawer…
Coping with a Break Up
They say that bad stuff happens in groups of three; that if one bad thing happens there are another two to follow close behind. When you get that triple whammy of bad stuff happening, it’s really hard to keep going with day to day stuff…
Working with a mentor
Millie's anxiety about feeling in control of her schoolwork was getting a little out of hand and resulted in tension and arguments with her Mum. Millie needed some help getting her headspace clear. Here's how it worked out for her... So… how do you get started with a...
What Does Anxiety Feel Like?
Feelings of anxiety and dread can sneak up on us and cause problems in how we cope with everyday life. It's actually a caveman instinct triggered by part of the brain called the amygdala, which is supposed to activate when we are in a dangerous situation....