At the end of the day, organising is all about deciding to make one change at a time in your life, which will make life easier and less stressful. What’s there not to like! What are you waiting for? Are these some of your excuses?
- I have a learning difficulty and that makes it hard for me to get organised
Yep, learning difficulties are tough, but the power of positive thinking is tougher. You can change the way the synapses fire in your brain! Just decide you want to. Other people with learning difficulties decided they wanted to. Just look at what Albert Einstein, Virgin’s Richard Branson, Tom Cruise and the guy who designed the Sydney Opera House were able to achieve when they decided to put their learning difficulties behind them.
- It’s too hard to start a new habit
Yes it is. It’s MUCH easier to stay with your old habits. But are those old habits driving you forward and making you successful at school? Or are they holding you back? Have an honest chat with yourself and think about what you’d like to achieve and what is standing in your way. Making a few small changes is all it takes. Every day it will get easier.
- My friends don’t do all of this organization and study stuff. They’re going to give me a hard time about it
Ok, yes they might. They might pay you out because you’ve got a clean room and you might not be able to join them in detention when you’ve handed your assignment up on time and they haven’t. They might tease you about using your diary or taking an expanding folder to school. And they won’t like it when you choose to go and sit next to someone else in class instead of getting distracted by them. But at the end of the day, your life is about YOU and not anybody else. Having the courage to stand up for yourself and making the decision to make things easier and better has far greater rewards.
- What’s the point in starting a new system? I’ll never stick to it!
It IS pretty pointless if you think this way. But if you don’t give it a good try you’ll never know what you’re capable of. And if you do give it a try, then you can’t lose! Even the slightest little change you make in creating a new system will help in the long run. Be kind to yourself when you mess up. Don’t write the whole thing off. We are all human and being organised is just like learning a new sport; you need to practice to see results! Just be consistent in starting again and you will be surprised at how much of a difference it can make.
- Organisation is boring
It’s not wonderfully exciting, no. But by creating a good system that helps you do all the boring stuff quickly and effectively, you will have plenty more time to do all the exciting stuff that you want to do.
- I’m gunna start my new system next week…
Are you a gunna, or a do-er? Gunnas are still gunna be saying they’re gunna do things their entire lives and will never achieve anything. Start NOW. Not next week, not tomorrow, not tonight, not later. There’s no such thing as later. Make a change NOW. Making one small change to your system will make a huge difference. Remember to take your homework home from school. File your loose papers into one folder where you’ll find them later. Do it. NOW.
You are clever Bec!
Thanks Mum!! x