They say that bad stuff happens in groups of three; that if one bad thing happens there are another two to follow close behind. When you get that triple whammy of bad stuff happening, it’s really hard to keep going with day to day stuff…
It’s not fair. Sometimes life sucks. Actually sometimes it sux with an “x”
We can’t control bad stuff happening and we feel most overwhelmed when we can’t control stuff in our lives. And it’s particularly hard when life continues to go on around us; when we have assignments and deadlines when all we want to do is run away and hide from the world.
Here’s some ideas to help “soldier on” when the bad stuff happens:
- Be kind to yourself. Go for a long walk on the beach, take a bubble bath, eat a tub of ice cream. Doing something that makes you feel happy and calm is healing.
- Allow yourself to grieve, be angry and release emotion. Stomp. Shout. Cry hysterically. This is part of the coping process. Don’t hold it in; the tidal wave needs to be released.
- Use physical activity to work through it all. Go for a run, power walk or stomp around the block, do a boxing class or swim laps. Let it out. Then meditate or do a yoga or stretching class to remind your body what it’s like to deep breathe and re-centre yourself.
- Move away from negative patterns. If you are involved in a toxic friendship or relationship, make the conscious decision to move on. Download “Let it Go” from the movie Frozen and play it LOUD! You don’t need negativity in your life; it will only bring you down.
- Talk. Phone a friend, talk to your parent or carer. Don’t feel like you have to go through the tough times completely alone.
- Communicate. Everyone understands a bad week. Talk or email your teachers and explain that you’re having a tough time and need some time out. Or ask a parent or carer to do it. Most teachers will be understanding and give you some extra time to get things done.
- Focus on yourself and getting your headspace right. Your parents and friends will deal with things in their own way and you will deal with it in yours. Find what YOU need to do to focus and move on.