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7 Rockstar tips for amazing organisation

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Are you struggling with organising your study and assignments? Do you get overwhelmed and not know where to start? Are you finding to it difficult to motivate yourself to get any work done? Becky’s Study Group sessions might help. These are small groups (no more than 5 students) that meet once or twice a week for an hour. Study skills are taught as the need arises, with the main focus being on prioritising assignments and work for tests for each individual. In the sessions, students maintain their diaries and keep folders and bags free of clutter. Becky will help students break down overwhelming assignments into manageable “chunks” so they’re not left until last minute and guide students through the process with practical strategies to facilitate effective study and time management.

Drop me an email below for session times and availability.

Digital Products by Becky Blake

Becky has a range of digital products that enable students to develop systems and strategies, ensuring they get the most out of their School years. Click below to find out more.

Workshops With Becky Blake

Join Becky for practical workshops to highlight systems and strategies used by secondary school students on their path to success.

Private Tuition With Becky Blake

Interested in getting Becky to provide tuition to help with areas of study?

Complete and submit the details below.

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Student Name*

    Sex of the student*

    What days is the student available for tuition?*

    Your Phone number*

    Student Age*

    Has the student had an educational assessment?*

    Is the student available for tuition during school hours?*

    Background, areas to address and other comments